INTERNAL SYSTEMS: films by Brakhage-Kren-Lowder-Rekveld-Sonoda

#7 by Joost Rekveld
At Echo Park Film Center, 1200 N. Alvarado Blvd., LA, CA 90026
Featuring a rescheduling of #7 by Joost Rekveld!
This program of short silent films focuses on some different ways in which artists have explored spatiotemporal dimensions of cinema and the pictorial. By employing or embracing systems of organization, these five films create a rich interplay between order and chaos, inviting the energy and materiality of the physical realm to challenge their attempts to order it.
The program begins with the extremely rarely seen 1973 Stan Brakhage film GIFT, representing the prolific master’s only exercise in found-object filmmaking. Rose Lowder’s BOUQUETS 1-10 (1994-95) and Kurt Kren’s 31/75 ASYL (1975) propose an approach to landscape akin to impressionism and cubism in which time has been exhilaratingly destabilized. Eriko Sonoda’s SPACE IS THE PLACE (2011) deconstructs the corner of a room into puzzle-like fragments which are recomposed into a transforming spatial abstraction. And finally, in a rescheduled appearance from our March 12 screening with him, Joost Rekveld’s early epic #7 (1996) is a radically formalist hand-painted film which engages in a constantly shifting tension with the unruly materiality of its own making.
Curated by Mark Toscano.
Special thanks to Joost Rekveld and Light Cone for letting us reschedule the screening of #7!
Tickets: $10 general admission; $6 students (with ID)/seniors; free for Filmforum members. Tickets available at the door or online at
For more event information:, or 323-377-7238
Stan Brakhage, 1973, 16mm, color, silent 24fps, 2.5min.

Bouquets 1-10
Bouquets 1-10
Rose Lowder, 1994-95, 16mm, color, silent 24fps, 11.5min.

Space is the Place
Space is the Place
Eriko Sonoda, 2011, digital, color, silent, 5m

31/75 Asyl
31/75 Asyl
Kurt Kren, 1975, 16mm, color, silent 24fps, 8.5min.

Joost Rekveld, 1996, 16mm, color, silent 24fps, 32min.